Sunday, December 29, 2013

1st Birthday

Hey Bloggers out there! Today is on my year birthday, blog's one year old birthday!
Diva in Christ 7 made one today!!!! I think it's time to celebrate with style!

This blog is such an accomplishment for me! I love Blogging....
One Year Down, Many More to Come
Happy New Years!!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Long Time, No Post.......

Hey Blog Family!
A New Pic of Me: Short Hair. Don't Care

Did yall forget about lil ole me. Wait a minute, I ain't old, I'm 26 and I'm proud!!! I remember the last time we talked I told yall I was 26 and struggling with it, but now I'm 26 and proud of who I am and proud to shout my age, I'm 2666666666666666666666666666!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yayyy Me!

 Anywho- I told yall I was gonna write back about Yielding, and guess what I still haven't. Sorry. I just wanted to check in with yall, and tell yall a little about what's going on with me. I interviewed all summer long with the anticipated wait of a full-time job, my first full-time job since I graduated college, technically my first full-time job ever, come to think of it. I went on 6 interviews, got 5 no's and 1 yes! And Praise God it was at the school that I was already working for  three years. I thought my time was over for middle schoolers, but I guess God thought something else. The salary was nothing like I expected, in fact it was actually an insult for someone with a degree. BUT boy isn't that humbling. I work with two of the best ladies a girl could ask to work with. Our team is awesome, and we are all Christians and work well together. What a blessing huh!

Also, let's see what else is new, oh yeah, I chopped my hair off, lost 10 lbs. and counting, started wearing really cute leggings, and I take my Social Work Test on December 3. And if that's not enough for you, I'm still waiting, waiting on my husband, waiting on God, patiently knowing he is behind the scenes perfecting this man for me. And did I mention, I loooove dancing now, well technically only at the gym, but that's a start. I love dancing in the mirror at the gym with some weights and a real good song, like "God in Me" or "Before I Let Go" by Maze, going old school for yall.

I'm loving life, even when it's hard, and scary, and I don't know what's next, it's still a adventure, and I'm thankful to be living it. So.....What's new with yall??? Met any new friends, started dating someone? What's going on? Hit me back. Love, Peace and Prosperity Allllll Around!


Saturday, August 24, 2013


So, did any of y'all know that I'm 26 now......Well you would have, if you asked, lol. I'm still getting used to the whole 26. I told my friend/sister in Christ Janelle, who's 26 too, "Girl we are in a whole new bracket." Y'all know what I mean. Just today, I was trying to listen to LaCrae's new CD on Overflow and it asked me a few questions. One question asked about my age bracket. And to be honest, it took me a minute for it to register. I said, dang, it's happening already, that age bracket thing. This of course was the option I chose:
{ } 18-25
{x} 26-35

Why does it matter? Technically it doesn't, because everyone gets older. But 26 seems much closer to 30, than it did at 25. I'm coming to a point, I promise, just give me a minute. See, society puts so much pressure on people today. Even in our Christian circles, we face pressure. We have "The List", the things to get done before we're 30. The things we are "supposed" to have accomplished by now. Let's see society says, "We" should have graduated college with our Bachelors and Masters by now working in an Entry- Level Position, Have Gotten Two Promotions with two Raises, Bought a House, Got Engaged and Planning for the Big Day. That's society for you. BUT, here comes that big ole' BUT, the saving grace of BUT. But God! God has us on our own timetable. He knows our end from our beginning. He knows the things we can handle and when and what age we can handle them. God is faithful, totally faithful. He's faithful to us to fulfill our promises, even if we feel like it's taking a loooong time. It's really not, he's just preparing us for where he wants us, and what he want to do with us. And he's faithful and just to do it, if you just believe him for it. How do I know? Because I just went through it. Let me explain.

I graduated from college 3 months before I turned 22, (I was still 21) and moved to TX the same day I graduated. I had worked hard for four years to earn my Bachelor of Social Work. And I was real proud of myself, graduating on time, under 22, and Cum Lade. See here's where "the list" popped in. And I just knew that I was gonna get a Social Worker's entry level position. I was so excited to be moving to Texas, new place, new opportunities. But when I tell you nothing happened that I planned, my list deleted itself out of my mind, notebook, and off of my computer. When I moved here, I was attacked with every and anything that came against me from sickness to lack, to a place of the unknown. Nothing happened the way I planned it, and when I say nothing, I mean nothing. I didn't understand it, I was the one who followed directions, I dotted an my i's and crossed all my t's. I did what was right in God's sight, and was (and still are) actively following him. I felt hurt and mad and ashamed all at the same time. I was mad at God for taking over and in my eyes "not doing anything". But boy, was I wrong, God was actively working in providence, working behind the scenes for my own good. Now, I could tell yall all the pain, agony, sadness, brokenness, and all the other stuff that I went through, but I don't want to scare yall newcomers away. Let me just say this, when you say the prayer of salvation, and say these words: "God, I accept you as my Lord and Savior and I make you Lord over my life," Know what you are getting yourself into. It's a journey, that only you can do with Christ. Let him do it with you because without him, you can't do anything. The one piece of advice I will give is "Yield to the Holy Spirit". Whatever is going on in your life, may it be uncertainity, or the need of a job, or mate, or sickness in your body, or struggling in your marriage, YIELD. God can do it and he will do it, and trust me, even in those silent times when it seems like he's not "doing it" that's when he's moving the most. Be encouraged, and I will be back soon to give yall part 2. Love Yall!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Notebook

Southwest Believers Convention 2013....So this year I was ready. I saved money for it. I bought snacks for it. I packed lunch for it. I even had a new cute Turquoise Bag to carry my bible, notebook and all my supplies I needed. I had planned for it to say the least. I was ready, really ready. A friend and I went together, we went last year together, and I barely knew her then. But now this year, I knew her, I knew her current situation, I knew what she was up against. I knew the things of her heart, and she knew the things of mine. We went out there early Monday morning, another friend followed us there, it was her first year too, and I knew she was gonna love it. We found good seats, sat down and received from the Men of God, and really enjoyed ourselves. That Monday was a good day! A tiring day, but a good one. We decided to leave our notebooks on our seats over night, like most people do, so we could keep our seats. There was only one problem with that, we discovered that Tuesday. Our notebooks were stolen. Our seats were stolen. And I felt completely horrified. No it's not JUST a seat, or not JUST a notebook. That seat was a hard earned seat for that convention, you have to be there to know what I mean. And that notebook, had all of the good notes I took from the day before, plus all of last year's convention in that one notebook. How could they, steal, from us as Christians, at a Christian Convention. What is the world coming too? Then to top it off, we had horrible seats, on the floor right behind where the crew was recording, so we couldn't see anything. Not only we couldn't see, but al the greeters/ushers kept walking up and down the aisle we were in and moving people, talking loudly, and just plain ole getting on my nerves. Mad wasn't even the word to describe it, it was more like outrage. So when we left that day, we went check lost and found and they said they had not received any notebooks. Oooh I thought that ole devil, he is a liar from the pits of hell. He will not win.

 Now, I don't know how God did this, but somehow through all of the caious of the day, I still received from the Man of God preaching. It was none other but Bill Winston. He said something that kinda stuck with me. He said "You've gotta see it, before you see it. Seeing is believing". So right there in that service I saw it. Saw what. My red spiral notebook and my friends cute little notebook. I saw us holding them in our hand studying the notes and going back over information. I "saw it" before "I saw it."  Then I prayed with my friend in agreement, I said "God I pray right now for that person who stole our notebooks. I pray that you would use that information and revelation to open up their eyes to know you and to see you. I pray that their hearts are convicted for stealing and that you allow them to give those notebooks back to us, in Jesus name. I decree all that was stolen was returned to me 100 fold. In Jesus name we pray, Amen" So Thursday came and we went straight to that lost and found table as soon as the session was over and I asked boldly, "Mam did someone turn in our notebooks today" And before she could even say yes, she pulled out my red spiral, then my friends cute little journal, and I shouted really loudly "Praise God." See God cared about what we cared about. No matter how big or small, God says "Cast your cares on me, for I care for you." Be encouraged, God cares about ALL the things in your life too.

****Just a little lagniappe, (that means extra for you non-new-orleaneans) Did I mention that the same time our notebooks were stolen, God replaced them with two brand new free notebooks from a ministry at the convention. Talk about that Elijah, double portion blessing.

With Love~

Friday, June 14, 2013

Bad Side Effects

As I sit here with my bible open, trying to get fed in this Word, already getting physically fed.  (side bar, eating breakfast in Chick-fil-a), I watch, I see, I observe. I watch families or whatever the family is supposed to be. I see a young boy with his dad sitting at a table attempting to eat. Well, while dad is drinking coffee he stares into his phone; the son is playing Game Boy or wait is it Nintendo DS. I'm not the most high tech person, so don't quote me here. :)  Two members of one family only engaging in the newest high tech gadgets. Not realizing time is passing them by. Opportunities for relationships are passing them by. Whatever happened to talking at the breakfast table? What ever happened to eat first, play later. I see the same child who trades in his kids meal toy for an ice cream cone. Only a few tastes of the cone and he leaves it, lying on the table. Too engaged in his game to care. That uneaten ice cream cone stares at me as I think of so many little children I know, who would love the opportunity this little boy has. An opportunity to be taken out for breakfast. An opportunity to spend "quality time" with his dad. An opportunity not only to eat a good meal, but to order something extra, some dessert. Wow. The average American Family wastes about two tons of food each year. And they seem to spend even more on it. So today I challenge you, and I challenge myself too. Eat a meal without your cell phone, I-pad, I-pod or no other electronic device. Put it on silent, leave it in the car, your purse, wherever. It's so ironic, because I say that looking down at my own Blackberry Torch, which is sitting right next to my Diet Lemonade and my bible, and I'm checking the time to get along with my day. Wow, what a challenge this will be.

As I'm wrapping up my bible reading and this entry, I see the same dad, asking his son, (yeah I said asking) "Do you mind putting your game away?" The boy tells him "No, I'm still playing." An argument sand I know the dad I know is  totally embarrassed, by the expression on his face, so they walk out the door, and guess who wins this argument? Technology. Yep. You Got it. So theses are just some of the Bad Side Effects of Technology.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

In This Season....

In this season, things are moving fast for me. Started a new book. Bought a new Laptop. Opened my own non-profit. Driving a brand new car. (that's not mine). Registered for my Social Work test.  Signed up for membership @ a gym, and actually excited to be going. Changed my diet and even some of my snacking....... New Stuff, I tell you. God is opening up new doors and windows of opportunity for me. He's closing doors for the things of old and opening doors for things to come. BUT.....there's that big BUT that always seems to jump right on in there.  I'm still in a funny kinda place though. Not here or there, just somewhere in between. Somewhere in the middle. Wherever that some place is. I'm in a place where I'm like "Okay God with all of this happening, I don't want to miss you. I don't want to be going to fast or driving in my own lane sorta speak, and not see you. I don't want to be in a place where I'm too busy for you God. Too busy with me, to come to you. Too busy with ministry to pray. Too busy with life to fellowship with you and talk with you, like I did in those times when I wasn't busy. So, God right here, right now I take a public oath all across the World Wide Web (www) and I dedicate myself back to you, back to your presence, back to your word, back to your teaching, and even back to that time of fasting. Use me Lord for your glory and your honor. I am ready!" This really is a new season for me. What type of season is this in your life? What are you doing to embrace it?

Just thought I would put a New Pic of Me to go with the New Season of My Life.....

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Happy May, Happy Diva!

School's out for me and summer is here. It's time to celebrate, Diva Style!
What are my plans for the summer?
Check back with me for more details.......

Monday, April 15, 2013

I See a Need

My heart cries out as I see  this generation, as I work at three schools, as I see what kids see. My heart cries out. I have been given the burden to pray, pray for this district, pray for these kids, pray for these schools. Pray. So guess what I do ..........I pray. I speak life into these kids, I show the love of God to these kids.

The teacher in me sees a need. I always wants them to  be learning, reading, understanding and comprehending. The social worker in me sees their needs beyond school. I see past the bad behavior, or the poor grades.  I see a cry for help. I see a cry for food, and shelter, and safety. The prophet in me sees what's really going on behind the scenes. I see the pain. I see the generational curses. I see the word curses. The mentor in me sees a need for direction. I see a need for wisdom. I see a need for guidance. The counselor in me sees a need. I see a need for wise counsel. I see a need for relationships.  The evangelist in me sees a need for ministry. I see a need for the Holy Spirit. I see a need for the Blood of Jesus.  The mother is me sees a need for for love. I see a heart cry of the kids. I see a cry for attention. I see a cry for affection. I see a cry for affirmation. I see a cry for quality time. I see a cry for gifts and surprises. Mostly I see a cry for Jesus Christ. Will you show him to them?  I will, because guess what I see a need.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Church Search, Search No More

"Go back" he said, "Go back". As I heard those words on Wednesday night, I knew what he meant. Go back to my last church, my church home, my church family, my pastors, my familiar. But it hadn't been familiar to me for the last five Sundays. How would I just walk back in? Would I feel like a visitor? As these questions were in my head, I knew what was in my spirit. God told me to do something and I was gonna be fully obedient. So I made it official, I told my mom I told my Pastor's wife, I told the people that were impt to me, and that's why I'm telling you. I know it may not make sense for God to tell me to leave for a while, then to call me back but he's God, he doesn't have to "make sense".  So stop trying to make sense out of what God is doing in your life, Just go with it and Go with him. He's God, you are not. That's a hard lesson, that I'm still learning. So: Continue to trust him. Don't waver. Be patient. Be vigilant. Be prayerful. Be his......

Love You
"Peace In" 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Spring Break.....Time's Up

Man, how I wish it could be Spring Break year long. I guess it can't because then it wouldn't be "Spring Break". I've enjoyed my time off so much. Fellowshipped with friends, went to a Zumba class, had a free meal, went to a free play, and was able to bless so many people. My friend, Yolanda opened her own non-profit organization called Faith Eyes and being able to see the play they put on and actually participate in the  whole night was wonderful. Then she selected one of the teen girls and we made care packages for her and her baby to be! Oh how exciting it is to be a part of something that is sowing such good seed. For more information on Faith Eyes go to I'm sure you will be blessed by her ministry. All of this to say my stay-cay not vay-cay was awesome! I needed this break and was ready for it, but now I'm ready to get back. To everything there is season, and the season is up. Monday, back to work, back to tutoring and back to kiddies being kiddies. I'm ready for it though, I'm ready to be back, it was very enjoyable but I'm ready to be back! (I just need my voice back, now, started losing it on Thurs nite). I really enjoyed my Spring break, how was yours?

Monday, February 18, 2013

A Move in the Spirit

Today I woke up, feeling a little nervous. It was time to make the call, to my Pastor's wife. It was time to tell her that my time was up, at our church I mean. The Lord spoke to me last night wayyyyy before I even got in prayer time. I knew it was coming, I tried to avoid him, but even though I tried, there was no getting away from him. There was his voice, as calm as a sleeping baby, yet as loud as a roaring lion. After all the things I prayed for, and cried for and fasted for, and prayed even more, I was getting an answer. I've been feeling for some time, something is not right. I need a move or a shift in the Spirit. I felt stagnant, I felt trapped, I felt stuck. Stuck, not hearing God's voice, Trapped in a rut, and Stagnant not growing or reaching or climbing any higher. But this was it, last nite, then it moved to today. And so the next best thing was to make that call, so guess what I did? I called. And talked. And loved. And explained. And it was done. And I felt peace, a peace that the world couldn't give me. A peace only God could give me. And so as soon as I did it, I went to God, and closed my eyes and he spoke, and he told me some stuff, and he spoke again. And I got that peace, the peace that only he can give.

So the last time I told yall, don't move until God says it's time, I was really talking to and trying to convince myself. But I obeyed and I didn't move. And then he did it. He made the move for me to make. So.....whatever you feel stuck in, or stagnant in, or trapped in, stay there. It's for a purpose. It might not be for you, maybe it's for somebody else. Maybe it's for you to minister to them, to teach them, or to love them. Stay there. no matter where "there" might be. Stay. Don't move. He will do a thang, if you let him. Stay, don't move, it's not time, just wait. He will show you in due season. Then you will experience "A Move in the Spirit".

I love yall!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

What do you see?

What does this picture represent to you?........What does it say to you? ....................To me it shows a strong black woman, a strong young black women who is in the Word . It shows that she not only cares about her mind but she also cares about her spirit. She chooses bible knowledge over worldly wisdom. Yet she still takes the time to educate herself, challenge herself, and push herself pass her own limits. I see Black Beauty. I see strength in her face. I see determination in her eyes.  I see love in her posture. I see peace within her demeanor. I see me. What do you see?

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Just a Little Nugget of Philippians

Philippians. Paul. Prison. Passion. Purpose. Can you say that three times fast?...........I tried and couldn't, see if you can.  Yesterday I started a study on the book of Philippians. I'm learning that Paul's entire purpose for being in prison was to defend the gospel. (Phil 1: 16)  In Prison to defend the gospel, to defend the Lord, to defend the name of Jesus. That's powerful. Being in chains helped Paul be able to speak God's word more courageously and fearlessly. I can't imagine physically being in chains. But I've been spiritually in chains, spiritually struggling in bondage, in pain, in warfare, but to know it's all for the glory of God makes it all worth it for me.

But honestly I don't always feel that way. Sometimes I don't wanna think about the Apostle Paul or all he struggled and endured because then it makes my struggle seem that much smaller. Sometimes I don't want to think that Paul had it harder than me. Paul was beaten, persecuted, hungry, thirsty, tired, weak, in prisoned, in chained, and he remained single forever. WOW! And that's just the tip of the iceberg. BUT GOD! He knew me before he formed me, before I was in my  mother's womb, he predestined me. He knew every struggle, every pain, every rejection, every hurt, he knew me and accepted me and loved me and saved me. He knew me just like he knew Paul. And he still knows me, he hasn't forgotten about me. Nor has he forgotten about you. Every struggle that we go thru is all part of the process to get us in position for placement.  Whomever that's reading this, it's for you too. SO take it, grab it, and receive it in your spirit man. Maybe you're going through some deep spiritual warfare, maybe you are hurting because the lost of a loved one, maybe you're out of a job, or don't know your purpose, or can't have a child..... and you feel like God has left you, he hasn't. He's there in the midst of that mess. Just hold on. Don't give up, keep on keeping on. So whatever struggle you are in, keep on keeping on with God's grace! You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength!!! (Phil 4:13)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Why God, Why? When God, When?????

Following God doesn't always have to make sense. In fact, it usually doesn't. Many times God gives us a vague Word, but then he takes us all the way back to Step 1 to process us in that Word.  It's almost like we're on Step 5 and we think we are on our way. But we have done all the "work" in ourselves, and we think we are accomplishing something. But truly, we're not.  Maybe it's a job God gave you working with at a daycare and you're called to be an accountant. And all you count all day is how many goldfish each child gets at snack time. It's hard to crunch some numbers out of that. Or Maybe he has you working as a janitor of a school but you're called to be a Principal. Whatever it is he has you in, remember HE put you there. Don't try to move. Don't super-spiritualize it. And most importantly don't leave until he releases you.

 It may not make any sense, it may seem disconnected but it's for a purpose. Let's think about David in 1 Samuel 16.  Here's a quick synopsis. Samuel comes to anoint the next king, from the house of Jesse. Jesse had 8 sons, David being the youngest. Samuel put the horn of oil over each sons' head, but the oil would not flow. Samuel asked Jesse if he had any other sons.  Here good ole, pretty boy David was stuck in the fields shoveling sheep dump while this party was going on. He was missing in all the fun. But GOD! But God had David there at the right place and the right time.  David didn't try to leave his job, or his assignment or the place that God put him. David stayed put. When David came in the Lord told Samuel to place the horn over his head and to anoint David as king. The oil flowed, and David was anointed as King. See, just like you and me, in our jobs, in our church's, or in our community's, God placed us there. And even though like David, our job may seem menial or disconnected, it's all connected. And it's all to get us to the next level in him. So instead of trying to please our self, let's work on just pleasing him. Let's also stay put wherever God placed us. So in making vows, I vow to stay put in the things and the places where God has me and I vow not to move until he says move.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Vow to Pray

My heart cries out as I look at this generation of kids, teens, and young people. I think to myself, "When did it get so bad? What was the cause of it? And more importantly, what can we, as young people do to help other young people, teens, and children?" I did my first "daily walk" of the New Year. I told yall I would be taking walks and not naps. :) As I walked through my neighborhood with my I-pod on playing some Mary Mary song, I thought about all these questions. I thought about how much needs to change. I thought, would I wanna raise my own kids in a neighborhood like this? A town like this? Or even a world like this? Each answer to my question was "No." I thought long and hard, hard and long of what would my plan of action be when I get my own family? What will I do differently? What will I do to raise a different standard for my family, to make sure my kids get what they need and some of what they want?

 Speaking of families so many families even in my own neighborhood are unchurched and most importantly unsaved. Adults don't follow traffic laws, and so their kids don't follow school rules. It's a curse. A generational curse, from one form of disobedience to another. Mommy doesn't listen, so I don't have to listen. It's what people are depositing in their kids. It makes me saddedned. BUT what can I do? How can I make a change that will be effective? Where do I turn to with this?

After thinking and thinking, and more thinking, guess what.? I came to the same solution that we need  in many circumstances, to  PRAY. I pray. I pray hard, I pray for the kids and teens and young people..  So this is my vow to my own community. I vow to pray. I vow to pray for the  schools, and families, and  for the individuals who are lost out there. I vow to pray to be used by God in my own community, outside of the four walls of the church and into places where Jesus isn't allowed. I vow to let my light shine in the classrooms, libraries, hallways, even in stores.
Wherever I shop, wherever I play,
wherever I worship, and wherever I stay,
I vow to make a difference in whatever way!
*What will you vow to pray?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year! Happy 2013!

Many people have already posted their New Year Post, their New Years Resolutions, their New Years Wish list from God. "Not "I said the Diva. I told God all I want in this year is more of him. Instead of getting caught all up in the hype of, "this is the year of....", I'm caught all up in Jesus. He is Alpha and Omega, He is the Beginning and the End. I hope this doesn't sound to "churchy" to you but I'm just keeping it real. See, I'm at a place of transition. Transitioning from one place to another. Transitioning from one job to two jobs. Transitioning from taking naps to taking walks. (Winter time makes me just wanna take naps, and do things indoors). Being a healthier me :) Transitioning to doing more with our Greeter Ministry/Greeter Newsletter at church. Transitioning to an even deeper prayer life. Transitioning to hearing more clearly from God.   All I can really say is I am at a great place thus far in 2013. I am wishing you a Happy 2013 too! Make the best of it! You lived to see another year!

Something I've learned from 2012 is that to never set a time limit on God. He can do what, when, and how he wants to do it. I've learned not to give him dates, deadlines or time constraints. Because God is God. Even though he is always on time, he doesn't work on our sense of time. The Word tells us that  "......With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you...... 2 Peter 3:8-9. This was and still is a vital lesson for me, and to so many others too. Hope I'm helping yall out, setting someone free. So no matter what it is you are waiting on from God, keep waiting, it's coming. No matter what, may it be a mate, a child, a job, passing a certain test, a house, or even healing for yourself or your loved one, keep waiting. Keep the faith, Keep Believing. God is there and he is listening to your every need, every plea, every request, every heart cry; He is answering too. Just in a different sense of time.

Be Encouraged!