Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Long Time, No Talk

Hey Yall Blog Family!~

Yep, it's me! I'm still here. I know yall think I forgot about yall, but guess what, I didn't! Soooooo much has happened in the past few months. The last time we talked it was April, oh my, where does the time go? SO since there are so many new updates, I have to make a list of new and awesome changes I have made over the past few months:

  • May- I applied for a job with my dream company and was hired!
  • June- June 6 Last Day of School. I survived another year!!!!
  • June 6/Grandmother and Aunt and Uncle Came in town for a family visit. It was super awesome, but also challenging, Maw Maw has Alzheimer's and it was real sad yall.
  • June- June 9, I started working for my dream company. I started all my trainings and several days of Observation Hours.
  • July- 1st week, SWBC 2014 & 1st time Eating at Babe's, yummy!
  • July- Joined Toastmasters
  • July- Worked a lot of hours and a lot of training, all at new job.
  • July- Drove to Dallas for the first time and went to Desperate for Jesus Women's Conference 2014, and did I mention at 6 in the morning!
  • August-August- Worked 8 days straight at new job, including some 1st and 2nd shifts and was exhausted, but I got PAID!
  • August- August 6, 2014 MY 27th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY ME!!!! Had an awesome shopping day and lunch day with Natalee and Dinner at Babe's with all my girls!
  • August 7, 2014- Bought my first Car, (with Natalee) which happens to be my DREAM car! Who said I had to settle, um not!  
  • August- August 14- Back to School time. Did I mention to yall, that I would be working two jobs? I know, that's a lot for a Diva to do, huh!
  • August- August 25 First Day of School to see my kiddos
  • September-A lot going on, sensed a new season was on the horizon.
  • October 1-13 Worked 2 jobs, 16 hour shifts for 7 days, oooohhh no, tooo exhausted! Sensing a change in the season..... 
  • October 22 Last Day of School Job......Still trusting God in the transition time, but working for ACH all-time!

Check back in a few days to see more of an update!
That's all folks! Be checking back with me soon, I will upload some new pics!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Are you "Wearing the Cross?"

I guess you could say I consider myself to be a fashionable diva, and one thing I've noticed that's been hot for a while is The Cross. I see people with rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and even watches (ppl still wear those?) and guess what they all have in common. They all have a Cross on them. And they are real pretty too, RhineStones, Diamonds, Turqoise, Studded, I mean really cute ones.... And nothing's wrong with cute, Trust me, I like Cute. The real issue is I see people "Wearing" the cross but not "Wearing the Cross". And yes there is a difference.

I see tall, short, light, dark, pretty, and even gorgeous women "Wearing" the cross. But seriously, How Many of them are actually "Wearing the Cross?"

Question: How many of them act like Jesus & Smile Like Jesus?

Answer: Not too many, but I know one. I know a true, dowright keep-it-real nityy-gritty authentic Christian woman who "Wears" the cross while "Wearing the cross"......How many do you know?

Monday, February 10, 2014

Real Men Don't Text!.......They Shole Don't

Okay, so that last part was just me throwing in my 2 cent. What an awesome book, by Ruthie and Michael Dean. I was so sad finishing up the last chapter on my Kindle because that meant my time with them came to an end. It was a keep-it-real dating how to book for all ages, especially for us 20somethings trying to keep it together in this crazy, sex infused world. I'm telling yall, put Real Men Don't Text on your to-read list. Get it on your bookshelf, order it on your kindle or
                                                         nook. It's a must read!
     Ladies: It's pretty funny because that's kind of my dating mantra too. If a guy is interested in me, then he will call me, he will make plans to see me. A text is not enough ladies. A text can keep you wondering, waiting, and guessing his true intentions. Make him work for you. A man won't feel that he has won anything valuable if he didn't work for it. And when he does call you or take you out, acknowledge him for that, give him credit where credit is due.
     Gentlemen: Keep it real with a woman that you care about. If you are truly interested in winning her heart, nothing will stop you. Be encouraged and don't fear rejection. Geniunely pursue her. State your intentions at the beginning and make them clear. Don't be weak and cop-out with a text message. Go after her, forreal forreal.
***As this relationship is starting, remember to keep God first.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New Year, New Me

Wallpaper calendar January 2014 featuring Anisette Petite

Happy 2014 Blog Family! Thanks for visiting me this year! This year, hmmmm, boy it's been a year already. Paul said it better, I am crushed but not pressed, persecuted not abandoned, struck down but not destroyed, I am blessed beyond the curse cause his promise will endure and his joy's gonna be my strength, though sorrrow may last for one nite, joy comes in the morning. Actually Israel and the New Breed acutally sings that song too, verse by verse, verbatim. That's the best Song verse and scripture verses I could give you to explain where I've been since the New Year. Yeah, it's a New Year and a New Me, but the only way for the new me to come out, is for the old me to be crushed, broken and straight up dead. I'm talking to my seasoned folks now, yall know what I'm talking about. New beleivers, hang in there, I'm getting to yall. In order for the New Me to shine out-, that old man, has to be crucified in the flesh. God wants that old man dead. Yeah, I know we were all taught that when we first got saved, that 2 Corinthians 5:17, was true. It says that "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, Old things are passed away, and behold ALL things have become new. And I agree, that is true. Our old man, the man we used to be is new, but that's talking about our spirit. However, our MIND and our FLESH, we still gotta work on that. We have got to keep our MIND RENEWED and keep our FLESH DEAD, or UNDER SUBJECTION. Both the mind and the flesh can cause some stuff to happen.

So, we as Christians have got to stand up as his real holy people and keep it 100. Not only with the body of Christ, but we've gotta keep it real with unbeleivers too. They are lost, and it's not gonna help them to "get found"/ "get saved" unless we, Christians stop condemming them, and putting them down. I don't know how this turned into a preaching message casuse I shole didn't mean to. BUT we gonna take this annointing and keep on flowing. I pray right now for ever non beleiver to come out of darkness and that your eyes would be open to a new light and a fresh new knowledge of the thing s of God. I call you blessed, prosperous, fulfilled and living out God's calling upon your life. I call an abundance of blessings over you in Jesus name!

Happy New Year, for The Best Has Yet to Come!